Flea Market

Yes, our flea market operates every Wednesday from daylight until noon, year round.

White’s does reserve the right to cancel flea markets or auctions due to extreme weather or other emergencies which would affect our ability to provide safe and appropriate professional services.

The process is very simple. Vendors begin arriving on Tuesday evening and early Wednesday morning. The spaces in the front of our large center barn are reserved. Spaces north of the center barn (toward the hill) are on a first-come, first-served basis unless marked. To learn more, see our Vendor Information page.

Indiana sales tax laws apply.
1) You may apply for your own Indiana retail sales tax certificate and send your own tax collections to the State, OR,
2) If you do not have an Indiana retail sales certificate you must collect the 6% sales tax which is payable at the White’s Farm office and will forwarded by us to the Indiana Department of Revenue.

Food that is packaged for consumption at home may be sold at White’s Farm with no additional steps needed.  Vendors wishing to sell food prepaired for consumption at White’s Farm will need to have proper health department certifications along with approval from White’s Farm.  If you are interested in being a food vendor at White’s Farm please e mail: info@whites1922.com

You may sell anything which may be sold legally in Indiana except food and drinks (withouth prior approval and license), pornography, and racially insensitive material. **Please note any vendors dealing in the sale of live animals are required to adhear to our market policy on the sale of live animals below.

White’s Farm Flea Market Live Animal Sale Policy

At White’s Farm Flea Market the welfare and safety of all live animals are of utmost importance. To ensure a humane and safe environment for both animals and customers, the following policy must be adhered to by all vendors dealing in the sale of live animals:

  1. Animal Welfare Requirements:
    • All animals must be provided with sufficient water at all times.
    • Adequate shade must be provided to protect animals from direct sunlight and overheating.
  2. Hygiene Protocol:
    • Vendors must have hand sanitizer readily available for customers.
    • Customers are required to sanitize their hands before and after handling any animals.
  3. Temperature Regulation:
    • The sale of live animals will not be permitted if the temperature exceeds 85 degrees Fahrenheit. This is to ensure the health and well-being of the animals.
  4. Designated Sale Area:
    • The sale of all live animals is restricted to the northwest portion of the flea market. This area has close access to a water hydrant to ensure animals can be properly hydrated.
  5. Specific Requirements for Juvenile Canines:
    • All dogs must have proof of vaccination. Vendors must provide documentation verifying the vaccinations of each dog.
    • No dogs may be kept directly on the ground. A barrier must be placed between the grass and the animals to prevent direct contact with the ground.

These guidelines are designed to maintain a high standard of animal care and hygiene within our market. Vendors found in violation of this policy may face penalties, including but not limited to, suspension of their vendor privileges.

Thank you for your cooperation in ensuring White’s Farm Flea Market remains a safe and welcoming environment for all.


Private treaty sales (which deal with potential buyers one at a time) may result in selling the property without everyone having an opportunity to buy. The auction method brings all interested buyers together at the same place and same time to ensure that everyone has an equal opportunity to participate in the bidding. The auction method also ensures the seller that the property will have a definite date of sale, eliminating the question of, “How long before my property will sell, and how far do I have to reduce the price to sell my property?”

All of the real estate that we sell at auction is sold subject to the owner’s confirmation, leaving the final decision to the seller.

Sellers pay a minimal commission plus advertising expense and the cost of any necessary surveys if the property sells. If the property does not sell, sellers are responsible for the advertising expense and cost of sale plus a small predetermined fee.

* Please note: Federal antitrust laws prohibit us from publishing specific fees in order to avoid price-fixing. Please contact us directly if you have questions about our fees.